Classical Conversations

Classical Conversations is a community that meets weekly to encourage a Christian Classical education. Foundations (ages 4-12) outlines a comprehensive core of the grammar for history, science, English, Latin, geography, and math that kids will revisit in the higher grade levels. This program helps guide the parents as they teach their children at home.  They will also participate in weekly public speaking, science projects or experiments, art or music activities, building a firm foundation for a rich education. Essentials (ages 9-12) teaches the basis of the English language. Students will learn the structure for the English language, write a paper each week with IEW and present their paper to their class, and play mental math games. Challenge A, B, 1 & 2 (ages 12 and up) are rigorous programs to train students to take ownership of their education. They will have accountability to complete their assignments so that they can actively participate in class. Students will be challenged to draw the world or body system by memory, participate in a science fair or mock trial.

Interested in learning more and participating in class, feel free to contact me.

Hayley Redden